WOD 16.11.2022
- HS progression
- Wrist warm up
- shoulder warm up
- Train HS-lifts 4×5. Try getting to handstand against the wall, with only a light touch with your feet. Then try to keep optimal HS-position for 10 seconds.
- Partner WOD YGIG
with two barbells
30 hang power cleans, when resting hold the bar in hang 60kg/40kg
30 front squats, when resting hold the bar in rack position 60kg/40kg
if the barbell drops both have to stop doing the reps.
30 weighted sit ups 10kg/5kg keep your legs tied together and alternate reps
30 cal row
600m run, both run
WOD 15.11.2022
- Back Squat 10×60%, 8×70%, 8×75%, 8×80%
- Front Squat 5×60%, 5×70%, 2x5x75%
- 8 min AMRAP
8 push ups
8 pull ups
8 T2B
8 cal row
WOD 14.11.2022
- Test your Push press 1RM 3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1
- Row progression 5x200m, 30s rest between sets
WOD 12.11.2022
- Push press 3x1x95%
- ROW progression
1km full speed
WOD 11.11.2022
- Weighted pull ups 5x5x40%
- 3 rounds for quality
20 s HS Hold
5+5 pistol squats
5 butterfly pull ups
1 rope climb
WOD 10.11.2022
45 min PK
500m row
10 goblet squats
30 s HBH
30s ABH
10 light kb swings
30 s hang
600m jog
100 rope jumps
WOD 9.11.2022
- Clean 5x2x75%
- Clean pull 3x3x110%
- 10 min AMRAP
4 weighted pull ups 10kg/5kg
8 kb snatches 24kg/16kg alternating
10 box jumps 60cm/50cm
WOD 8.11.2022
- HS progression
- Wrist warm up
- shoulder warm up
- Train HS-lifts 4×5. Try getting to handstand against the wall, with only a light touch with your feet. Then try to keep optimal HS-position for 10 seconds.
- Partner WOD
Part 1
20 synchro pull ups
20 synchro T2B
20 partner over burpees (stay in Hollow while the other one jumps)
Part 2 YGIG
20 push press 60kg/40kg
20 Floor press 60kg/40kg
20 hang power cleans 60kg/40kg
600m run (both at the same time)
WOD 7.11.2022
- Back Squat 10×60%, 8×65%, 6×70%, 6×75%, 6×80%
- Front squat 5×60%, 5×70%, 2x5x75%
- 3 rounds
10 push ups
10 pull ups
10 weighted sit ups 10kg/5kg
WOD 5.11.2022
- Back Squat 10×60%, 8×65%, 8×70%, 8×75%,
- Front squat 5×60%, 5×65%, 2x5x70%
- 21-15-9
Push up