45 min PK
800m row
1200m jog
30 s hang
30s bottom of front squat 20kg/15kg
30s plank
20s + 20s Copenhagen plank
1A) Weighted ring dips 3x1x80%
1B) Side to side push ups 3×8
2) 3 rounds
8 front squats 80kg/50kg
10 box jumps 60cm/50cm
300m run
40 T2B
300m run
30 push ups
300m run
20 burpees
10 pull ups
10 cal row
10 OHS 60kg/40kg
20 kb hang squat cleans 24kg/16kg, alternating
6 strict pull ups
6 pass throughs
3+3 TGU 24kg/16kg
45 min PK
30s HBH
20s Hang, top of pull up
20 m walking lunges
600m jog
600m machine
20 light kb swings
20 + 20 s single arm plank
30s ABH
1a) Front squat 3x5x85%
1b) single leg broad jump 3x(5+5)
8+8 dumbbell snatch 22,5kg/15kg
6 hang cleans 60kg/40kg
6 STOH 60kg/40kg
6 box over jumps 60cm/50cm
) Weighted ring dips 5x2x75%
1B) Side to side push ups 5×6
6 lunges 80kg/55kg (step back)
6 back squats 80kg/55kg
6 ring dips
6 push ups
6 burpees
40 cal row
30 T2B
20 push ups
10 pull ups / Bar Mus