2 deadlifts 160kg/120kg
10m HS-walk
1a) Front squat 4x3x85%
1b) Skater jumps 4×6
2) 10 min ARMAP
10 wall balls 9kg/6kg
10 hang power cleans 60kg/45kg
30 DU
10 T2B
1 rope climb
tall clean 3x5x40%
6 + 6 one leg box jumps
8 fast T2B
10 fast push ups
3 cleans
2 front squats
45 min PK or one round
2 km jog ( teollisuustien ja merituulentie risteykseen ja takaisin)
3 km row
3 km bike
1a) front squat 4x5x80%
1b) 6 knees to chest jumps
2) 10 floor press 70kg/50kg
10 strict pull ups
10 ring dips
10 C2B
10 push ups
10 pull ups
1A) Weighted ring dips 4x2x70%
1B) Straight leg spider man push ups 3×4
2) 3 rounds
50 DU
10 box jump overs 60cm/50cm
10 burpees
12 min AMRAP
15 cal row
10 STOH 50kg/35kg
8 T2B
barbell curl 20kg/15kg
kb swing 24kg/16kg
3+3 hang snatch pull + hang snatch 60%
10m + 10 m one leg jumps ( try to use as few jumps as possible)
8 fast kipping pull ups
6 jumps with barbell (back)