1) kick up to handstand 4×3
2) partner assisted ring Mu o r ring row MU 4×2
3) partner WOD YGIG
200 DUs
30 push presses 50kg/35kg
30 box jump overs 60cm/50cm
30 cal row
30 cal air bike
200 DUs
30 burpees syncro
5 burpees
10 deadlifts 100kg/70kg
45 min PK
1500 m machine
100 rope jumps
3+3 kb complex ( 1 snatch + 1 wind mill + 1 OHS lung + 1 clean + 1 thruster) light kettle bell
10 barbell bent over row
10 barbell bicep curls
30s plank
30 + 30 s side plank
10 side squats
50 DU
10 push ups
10 pull ups
10 cal row
Speed work
1A) tall clean 3x5x40%
1B) lunge jump 3×10
1C) High box jump 3×6
2) 3 rounds for quality
6 power wheel roll outs
8 explosive T2B
5 ring dips + 5s L-sit
6 snatch balance 45kg/30kg
Speed work
1A) hang power clean 3x3x65%
1B) skater jumps 3×10
1C) hamstring curls 3×6
2) 3 rounds with 1 min break
5 stop front squats 70% of 1RM
4 l- pull ups
5 jumping push ups
1a) Kick up to Hand stand 3×3
1b) hold hand stand with partner 3x12s
1c) Partner assisted ring Mu or ring row MU 3×2
2) Partner WOD YGIG
55 wall balls 9kg/6kg
50 DU
45 cal row
40 cal AB
35 box step overs with db 22,4kg/60cm-15kg/50cm
30 db snatches 22,5kg/15kg
25 cleans 45kg/30kg
20 front squash 45kg/30kg
15 syncro bar over burpees
10 pull ups
45 min PK
1600m machine
100 rope jumps
30s HBH
30s ABH
10+10 kettle bell clean and jerks (light)
10 kettle bell swings (light
30s + 30s side plank
60s ass to grass
5 ring push ups
5 weighted sit ups 10kg/5kg