40 box jumps 60cm/50cm
30 deadlifts 90kg/65kg
20 burpees
10 ring dips
front squat 60kg/40kg
walkin lunges 20 m
15 x bent over row 20kg/15kg
500m row
500m bike
30 s hang from the bar
30 s HBH
30 s ABH
300m jog
10+10 single arm dumbbell shoulder press ligh
3 tempo deadlifts 10s up-10s down 35kg/25kg
3 hang power cleans 60% of 1RM
3 high box jumps
3 back squats 60% of 1RM
5 jumping push ups
8 pull ups
300m run
300m row
40 DU
20 wall ball 9kg/6kg
12 sit ups
Lauantai 16.4.2022
AMRAP of Cindy in the remaining 30 minutes:
Your result is rounds of Cindy completed.
ODD 6 ring dips + 6 T2B
EVEN 6 cleans 70kg/50kg
20m lateral walk with elastic band around the knees
30s plank
15+15s copenhagen plank
100 rope jumps
600m row
1k bike
10 wall ball cleans 9kg/6kg
15 light kb swings
10 pistol squats, alternating
10 bulgarian knee to chest jumps, alternating
10 lateral box over jumps 50cm/35cm
6 squat jumps ( knees to chest)
1 min rest