Täyden palvelun Crossfit-sali Porvoossa

Eat! Sleep!

WOD! Repeat!!


WOD 12.2.2022

  1. Hang Snatch 8x1x75%
  2. 3 rounds for quality

1+1 clock

8+8 GHD around the world

8+8 Pistol squats

15m HS walk

WOD 11.2.2022

  1. Push press 3x1x90%
  2. 10 rounds

3 heavy deadlifts use around 70%-80% of your 1RM

10+10 m single arm farmers carry use kettlebell wight from 24kg to 40kg

WOD 10.2.2022

  1. Weighted pull ups/Strict pull ups 4x8x30% 1RM
  2. 30 min PK

200 rope jumps

45s plank

30s+30s side plank

1000m bike

2+2 light TGUs 8kg/10kg

single arm hang 10s +10s

20 box step overs

WOD 9.2.2022

  1. Front squat 5x1x80%
  2. 15 min AMRAP

500m soutu

30 air squats

30 sit ups

WOD 8.2.2022

  1. Clean 8x2x70%
  2. 4 rounds for time

20 cal airbike

12 box jumps 60cm/50cm

12 kettle bell swings 32/20kg


WOD 7.2.2022

1 )HS-walk 3x15m or Shoulder taps 3×40

2)50 DUs

20 push ups

20 dumbbell snatches alternating 22,5kg/15kg

50 DUs

20 pull ups

20 dumbbell clean and jerks alternating 22,5kg/15kg

50 Dus

20 T2B

20 weighted sit ups 22,5kg/15kg

WOD 5.2.2022

  • HS-walk 3x15m or Shoulder taps 3×40
  • 4 rounds for time

20 cal Air bike

20 air squats

10 box jumps 60cm/50cm

10 wall balls 9kg/6kg

WOD 4.2.2022

  • Hang Snatch 8x2x70%
  • 3 rounds for quality

3 bar MUs

8 T2B

8+8 Pistol squats

15s hand stand

Muscle and power 4.2.2022

1a) Deadlift 5x5x75%
1b) Hollow hold 5x30s
3 rounds super set, no rest between sets.
10 GHD– maailman ympäri
20 kulmasoutua tangolla
25-30 raskasta heilautusta

WOD 3.2.2022

  • Push press 3x3x85%
  • 16 min EMOM

odd 5 OHS 60kg/40kg

even 12 push ups