45 min PK
50 steps walking lunges
45s plank
40 cal row
35s hang
30 m bear crawl
25s Hollow body hold
20 air squats
15s HS hold
10 DB OHS, alternating hands
5 sets 30s ON/ 20 s OFF, 1min rest
5 sets 20s ON/ 10s OFF, 1 min rest
5 sets 10s ON/ 5s OFF
20 cal row
10 kb clean and jerks 24kg/16kg alternating
6 burpee box overs 60cm/50cm
Speed work, 2 min rest between rounds
A1) Hang power snatch + snatch balance 3x(2+2)x60%
A2) lunge jumps with wall ball 3×10, alternating
A3) Standing push up drops / jumping push ups 3×4
A4) Drop jump 3×4
5 Strict T2B
5 power wheel roll outs
15 s hand stand / HS against the wall
5 pull ups behind the neck
15s + 15s Copenhagen plank
Speed work
2A) Skater jump 3×8
2B) Sprint 3x10m
2C) box broad jump 3×4
3) 3 rounds for quality
5 l-pull ups / 10s L-hang
5 bar Mus / 5 strict C2B
5 Strict HSPUs
5 Strict Ring dips
1) kick up to handstand 4×5
2) partner assisted ring Mu or ring row MU 4×4
3) partner WOD YGIG
200 DUs
40 hang power cleans 60kg/40kg
40 STOH 60kg/40kg
40 partner sit ups with wall ball 9kg/6kg
30 toe touches with partner
30 pull ups
30m HS walk or 100 shoulder taps
45 min PK
10 ring rows
30s plank
30+30s bottom of pistol squat
1000m machine
1000m machine
30s HBH
30s ABH
10 KB jeffersson curls
10 side squats , alternating
12 bicep curls with a bar
12 wall balls 9kg/6kg
10 push ups
8 T2B
6 weighted sit ups 10kg/5kg
ODD max calories
EVEN rest
10 db snatches, alternating 22,5kg/15kg
10 racked db, box step overs 60cm/50cm
10 burpees