3 x 1000m with 2min rest
45 min PK
3000m jog
3000 m row
500 rope jumps
1 min plank
1+1 min side plank
6 cal airbike
12 burpees
18 wall balls 9kg/6kg
10 pull ups
3+3 TGU 24kg/16kg
10 cal row
10 ring push ups
20 cal air bike
20 cal air bike
10 OHS 60kg/40kg
20 cal air bike
10 floor presses 60kg/40kg
20 cal air bike
3 bar muscle ups
6 ring dips
8 pistol squats
10m HS-walk
1000 m row
10 double kb clean and jerks, alternating, use light kettlebells
200 rope jumps
20 min at under 144 bpm
then 1,6 km as fast as you can
12 cal row
10 ring push ups
10 C2B