Row/bike/run 10 min each
20 kb swings 24kg/16kg
12 pull ups
10 box overs 60cm/50cm
300m run
10 push presses 50kg/35kg
1 rope climb
1a) Weighted ring dips 4x3x50%
1b) push ups 4×6
2) 4 rounds for time
40 DU
10 T2B
12 dumbbell snatches 22,5kg/15kg alternating
2 power cleans
2 back squats
The goal is to get max volume
4x400m with 2 min rest, go all out
600m jog
600m row
30 s plank
30s + 30 s side plank
20 russian twists
12 box step ups
5 tempo shoulder presses 5 s up/ 5 s down
1000m bike
3 hang power snatches 60% of 1RM
6+6 bulgarian knee to chest jumps
4 explosive front squats 60% of 1RM
5 jumping push ups
3 bar MUs
5 strict T2B
3 dragon flags
30 DU
8 push ups
8 pull ups
8 v-ups