time cap 12 min
45 min PK
1500m machine
100 rope jumps
10 Barbell OHS with 3s stop at the bottom
30s HBH
30s ABH
10 jeffersson curls with kettle bell
15 sit ups
10 barbell bicep curls
10 barbell shoulder press
45 min PK
1000m machine
10 OHS with light dumbbell, alternating
100 rope jumps
30 s plank
20 air squats
30s Hang
20 light kb swings
10 dumbbell curls
10 barbell rows
10 box step ups
30s ABH
weight 60kg/40kg
5 cleans
5 front squats
5 back squats
Speed work, 2 min rest between rounds
A1) Bulgarian split squat 3x(8+8), heavy
A2) single leg bounces 3x(6+6)
A3) explosive v-ups 3×10
A4) jumping push ups 3×6
8 ring dips / ring push ups
10m HS walk
10 alternating pistol squats
10 s L-sit
1) kick up to handstand + HS hold 3x(3+30s)
2) partner assisted ring Mu or ring row MU 5×5
3) Partner WOD YGIG
50 push ups / plank hold
100 air squats / pistol hold
50 sit ups / hollow hold
50 push press 50kg/35kg / HS Hold
50 burpees / hang
20 DU
10 box jump 60cm/50cm
10 kb swing 32kg/20kg
1) kick up to handstand 5×5
2) partner assisted ring Mu or ring row MU 5×4
3) Partner WOD YGIG
5 rounds for time
30 cal air bike
20 deadlifts 100kg/75kg
10 bar over burpees
20m partner carry
8 cleans 80kg/55kg
4 STOH 80kg/55kg
8 bar over burpees
2+2 TGU 24kg/16kg